- 生存规则:8个邻格中有2-3个“邻居”的自动机可以存活到下一回合
- 死亡规则:8个邻格中有4个或以上“邻居”的自动机在下一回合死于人口过载;1个或以下“邻居”的自动机在下一回合死于孤独
- 出生规则:8个邻格中有3个“邻居”的空格子在下一回合生出一个新的自动机
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
ReactJS Game of Life</header>
<div class="topMenu">
<button class='run topButton'>Run</button>
<button class='stop topButton'>Pause</button>
<button class='clear topButton'>Clear</button>
<div class="counter">Generation: <span class="gen"></span></div>
<div id='container'></div>
<div class="bottomMenu">
<p>Board Size:</p>
<button class='50 bottomButtonRow1'>Size: 50x30</button>
<button class='70 bottomButtonRow1 activeButton'>Size: 70x50</button>
<button class='100 bottomButtonRow1'>Size: 100x80</button>
<p>Sim Speed: </p>
<button class='slow bottomButtonRow2'>Slow</button>
<button class='medium bottomButtonRow2'>Medium</button>
<button class='fast bottomButtonRow2 activeButton'>Fast</button>
$shadow: 0px 16px 30px 0px #CCC;
$alive: #fbb;
$old: #e44;
$dead: #000;
$font-color: #ddd;
$bezel-background: #333;
$bezel-dark: #222;
body {
background-image: radial-gradient(#444, #222);
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
a {
color: $font-color;
text-decoration: none;
header {
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background: $bezel-background;
width: 100%;
padding: 5px;
height: 40px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 30px;
font-family: courier;
color: $font-color;
.thing {
width: 0;
height: 0;
#container {
background: #000;
width: 840px;
height: 600px;
margin: 0px auto;
border: 9px solid $bezel-background;
border-radius: 9px;
box-shadow: 0px 16px 30px 0px #CCC;
.cell {
font-size: 9px;
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
border-top: 1px solid $bezel-background;
border-left: 1px solid $bezel-dark;
margin: 0px;
float: left;
border-radius: none;
.cell:nth-child(70n + 1) {
clear: both;
.alive {
background: $alive;
.old {
background: $old;
.dead {
background: $dead;
.topMenu {
background: #333;
width: 580px;
height: 40px;
margin: 65px auto 0;
padding-top: 5px;
border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0;
box-shadow: $shadow;
.bottomMenu {
background: #333;
width: 650px;
height: 70px;
margin: 0px auto;
border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px;
box-shadow: $shadow;
button {
background: #222;
color: $font-color;
.bottomMenu p {
float: left;
color: #bbb;
font-family: courier;
font-size: 20px;
margin: 3px 8px 5px 28px;
clear: both;
.topButton {
width: 100px;
height: 30px;
margin: 4px 8px 0 8px;
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
border-radius: 5px;
.counter {
margin: 7px 0 0 365px;
font-family: courier;
font-size: 20px;
color: $font-color;
.bottomButtonRow1 {
display: inline-block;
width: 140px;
height: 27px;
margin: 0 5px;
float: left;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
.bottomButtonRow2 {
display: inline-block;
width: 140px;
height: 27px;
margin: 5px 5px;
float: left;
font-size: 16px;
border-radius: 5px;
.activeButton {
background: #faa;
color: $bezel-dark;
.notice {
background: $bezel-background;
margin: 20px auto;
padding: 20px;
width: 600px;
height: 40px;
font-family: courier;
font-size: 16px;
color: $font-color;
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: $shadow;
var board = [];
var width = 70;
var height = 50;
var cells = width * height;
var running = 0;
var delay = 50;
var generation = 0;
var ReactCell;
$(document).ready(function() {
running = 1;
function clearBoard() {
board = [];
for (var i = 0; i < (cells); i++) {
board[i] = {id: i, status: "cell dead"};
generation = 0;
function createBoard() {
ReactCell = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
//sets the initial state to the contents of the board variable
return {cellBoard: board};
componentDidMount: function() {
//componentDidMount is called when the component is rendered. This can
//be uncommented so that repeated drawBoard() calls are not required.
//this.timer = setInterval(this.updateCells, delay);
//componentWillUnmount is called if the component is closed
componentWillUnmount: function() {
updateCells: function() {
this.setState({cellBoard: this.props.board});
render: function() {
return (
{this.props.board.map(function(cell, i) {
return(<div className={cell.status} key={i} id={i}></div>);
function runGeneration() {
var newBoard = [];
var cellStatus = '';
for (var i = 0; i < (cells); i++) {
newBoard.push({id: i, status: "cell dead"});
var check = cellCheck(i);
//keeps the living cell alive if it has 2 or 3 living neighbors
if ((board[i].status == "cell alive" || board[i].status == "cell alive old") && (check == 3 || check == 2)) {
newBoard[i] = {id: i, status: "cell alive old"};
//brings the dead cell to life if there are exactly 3 neighbors
if (board[i].status == "cell dead" && check == 3) {
newBoard[i] = {id: i, status: "cell alive"};
//check to see if all of the cells are dead. Stops the run.
for (var i = 0; i < cells; i++) {
if (board[i].status == "cell alive" || board[i].status == "cell alive old") {break;}
if (i == cells - 1) {
//alert("They're all dead! Reseting. :)");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
running = 0;
return newBoard;
function drawBoard(passedBoard) {
ReactDOM.render(<ReactCell board={board} generation={generation}/>, document.getElementById('container'));
function activateBoard() {
$('.cell').click(function() {
var cellNum = $(this).attr('id');
if (board[cellNum].status == "cell alive" || board[cellNum].status == "cell alive old") {
board[cellNum].status = "cell dead";
} else {
board[cellNum].status = "cell alive";
console.log(cellNum + " " + board[cellNum].status);
$('.clear').click(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 700);
running = 0;
generation = 0;
$('.run').click(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 700);
running = 1;
$('.stop').click(function() {
running = 0;
$('.50').click(function() {
running = 0;
width = 50;
height = 30;
cells = width * height;
$('.cell:nth-child(70n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(100n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(50n + 1)').css("clear", "both");
$('#container').css({"width": "650px", "height": "390px"});
console.log("w: " + width + " h: " + height);
$('.70').click(function() {
running = 0;
width = 70;
height = 50;
cells = width * height;
$('.cell:nth-child(100n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(50n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(70n + 1)').css("clear", "both");
$('#container').css({"width": "840px", "height": "600px"});
console.log("w: " + width + " h: " + height);
$('.100').click(function() {
running = 0;
width = 100;
height = 80;
cells = width * height;
$('.cell:nth-child(50n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(70n + 1)').css("clear", "none");
$('.cell:nth-child(100n + 1)').css("clear", "both");
$('#container').css({"width": "900", "height": "720"});
console.log("w: " + width + " h: " + height);
$('.slow').click(function() {
delay = 200;
$('.medium').click(function() {
delay = 110;
$('.fast').click(function() {
delay = 50;
function removeListeners() {
function runIt() {
if (running == 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
board = runGeneration();
setTimeout(function() {
function cellCheck(i) {
var count = 0;
var borderCell = 0;
//checks wrap-around for the top row going upward to the bottom
if (i >= 0 && i <= (width - 1)) {
borderCell = 1;
var dif = width - i;
//console.log('i:' + i + ' dif:' + dif + ' cell:' + (cells - dif));
if (board[cells - dif].status == "cell alive"
|| board[cells - dif].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 1 high center one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif));
if (i != 0 && (board[cells - dif - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[cells - dif - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 high left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif - 1));
if (i != (width - 1) && (board[cells - dif + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[cells - dif + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 high right one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif + 1));
//normal checks, not involving wrap-arounds
if (i != 0 && (board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 low left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width - 1));
if (board[i + width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 1 low center one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width));
if (i != (width - 1) && (board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 low right one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width + 1));
if (i != 0 && (board[i - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - 1));
if (i != (width - 1) && (board[i + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 1 right right one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + 1));
//checks wrap-around for the bottom row going down to the top row
if (i >= (cells - width) && i <= (cells - 1)) {
borderCell = 1;
var dif = i + width - cells;
//console.log('i:' + i + ' dif:' + dif + ' cell:' + (cells - dif));
if (board[dif].status == "cell alive"
|| board[dif].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 2 low center one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif));
if (i != (cells - width) && (board[dif - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[dif - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 low left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif - 1));
if (i != (cells - 1) && (board[dif + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[dif + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 low right one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - dif + 1));
//normal checks, not involving wrap-arounds
if (i != (cells - width) && (board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 high left for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width - 1));
if (board[i - width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 2 high center for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width));
if (i != (cells - 1) && (board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 high right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width - 1));
if (i != (cells - width) && (board[i - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 left for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - 1));
if (i != (cells - 1) && (board[i + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 2 right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + 1));
//checks for cells on the right border (wraping around to left)
if (((i + 1) % width) == 0) {
borderCell = 1;
//to the 'immediate right' with wrap-around
if (board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 3 right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width + 1));
//to the 'lower right' with wrap-around
if (i != (cells - 1) && (board[i + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 lower right: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + 1));
//to the 'lower right' with wrap-around for the last cell
if (i == (cells - 1) && (board[0].status == "cell alive"
|| board[0].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 lower right for last cell: ' + i + ' cell: 0');
//to the 'upper right' with wrap-around for all but the cell
//in the upper right
if (i > width && (board[i - (2 * width) + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - (2 * width) + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 upper right: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - (2 * width) + 1));
//to the 'upper right' with wrap-around for the
//cell in the upper right
if (i == width - 1 && (board[(cells - width)].status == "cell alive"
|| board[(cells - width)].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 highdiag one for upper right cell: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells + 1 - width));
//normal checks for normal cells that don't wrap around
//checks for the cell directly above (non-wrapping)
if (i != (width - 1) && i != (cells - 1) && (board[i - width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 center top for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width));
//checks for the cell directly below (non-wrapping)
if (i != (cells - 1) && i != (width - 1) && (board[i + width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 center bottom for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width));
if (i != (cells - 1) && i != (width - 1) && (board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 lower left: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width - 1));
if (i != (cells - 1) && i != (width - 1) && (board[i - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 left: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - 1));
if (i != (width - 1) && i != (cells - 1) && (board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 upper left: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width - 1));
if (i == (width - 1) && (board[cells - width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[cells - width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 3 upper left for top left cell: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width - 1));
//checks for cells on the left border (wraping around to right)
if (((i) % width) == 0 || i == 0) {
borderCell = 1;
//to the 'immediate left' with wrap-around
if (board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 4 left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width - 1));
//to the 'lower left' with wrap-around for all but lowest left cell
if (i != (cells - width) && (board[i + (width * 2) - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + (width * 2) - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 lower left one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + (width * 2) - 1));
//to the 'lower right' with wrap-around for the low left cell
if (i == (cells - width) && (board[width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[width - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 low left one for lowest left cell: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (width - 1));
//to the 'upper left' with wrap-around for all but the cell in the upper left
if (i >= width && (board[i - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 highleft one for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - 1));
//to the 'upper left' with wrap-around for the cell in the upper left
if (i == 0 && (board[cells - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[cells - 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 highleft one for upper left cell: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (cells - 1));
//normal checks for normal cells that don't wrap around
//checks for the cell directly above (non-wrapping)
if (i != (width + 1) && i != (cells - width) && i != 0 && (board[i - width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 center top for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width));
//checks for the cell directly below (non-wrapping) for all but cell 0
//or the lower left cell
if (i < (cells - width) && i != 0 && (board[i + width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 center bottom for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width));
//checks for the cell to the upper right (non-wrapping) for all but cell 0
//or the lower left cell
if (i != 0 && i != (cells - width) && (board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 upper right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i - width + 1));
//checks for the cell to the immediate right (non-wrapping)
if (i != 0 && i != (cells - width) && (board[i + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + 1].status == "cell alive old")) {
//console.log(status + ' 4 right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + 1));
//checks for the cell to the lower right (non-wrapping) for all
//but lower left cell and cell 0
if (i < (cells - width) && i != 0) {
if (board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' 4 lower right for: ' + i + ' cell: ' + (i + width + 1));
if (borderCell == 0) {
if (board[i - width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- upper center for: ' + i);
if (board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width - 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- upper left for: ' + i);
if (board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - width + 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- upper right for: ' + i);
if (board[i - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i - 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- left for: ' + i);
if (board[i + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- right for: ' + i);
if (board[i + width].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- lower center for: ' + i);
if (board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width - 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- lower left for: ' + i);
if (board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive"
|| board[i + width + 1].status == "cell alive old") {
//console.log(status + ' non-border -- lower right for: ' + i);
return count;
function initialSet() {
//populates the board with random living initial cells
for (var i = 0; i < cells; i++) {
var schrodingersCell = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (schrodingersCell === 0) {
board[i] = {id: i, status: "cell alive old"};
} else {
board[i] = {id: i, status: "cell dead"};